Everything Men Need to Know About Porn with J.K. Emezi

Everything Men Need to Know About Porn with J.K. Emezi

How do you know if you have a porn addiction problem? J.K. Emezi is a sex and porn addiction coach and the founder of Elevated Recovery, where he helps men overcome sexually compulsive disorders. He tells us everything men need to know about porn—how it changes our brain, affects our relationships, and alters our perspectives. He gets real about how to tell if porn is a problem and what to do about it. He also tells us how we can prepare our kids for their inevitable encounter with porn, which is happening at startlingly earlier ages.

How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography with Kristen Jenson

How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography with Kristen Jenson

Kristen Jenson is the author of Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids. In this show, she tells us how to initiate a healthy conversation with our kids about pornography according to age group. She also gives a 1, 2, 3 action plan for kids so they know what to do if they see pornography. This is a scary topic, but it’s up to parents to start the conversation as early as possible before kids get the wrong ideas about sex and intimacy from the internet. Save this episode!

Porn – Why We Watch It, When It’s a Problem, and How to Stop with Nell Daly

Porn – Why We Watch It, When It’s a Problem, and How to Stop with Nell Daly

Pornography – It’s pervasive in our culture today. 70% of men between the ages of 30 to 60, look at online pornography weekly. Still, no one wants to talk about it. Today I have psychotherapist and relationships expert, Nell Daly, on the show with me to answer what most guys are dying to know – how much porn is too much? And how do we stop when it becomes a problem? Don’t miss this honest (and explicit) discussion on the truth about porn addiction.