Jake Scott – Behind the Music: The Joys and Challenges of Marriage and Parenthood

Jake Scott – Behind the Music: The Joys and Challenges of Marriage and Parenthood

Jake Scott is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. While at the university, he began to write and record music–launching his career. In fall of 2013, Jake Scott released his first, self-produced EP, “Of Life and Love and Longing”. Jake’s passion for music was influenced by the sacrifices his father made to be actively involved in his life.

Clifton Corbin – Your Kids and Their Money
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Clifton Corbin – Your Kids and Their Money

Clifton Corbin RFC®, MBA, is a passionate financial literacy advocate, author, experienced business consultant, and a registered financial consultant. With over two decades of experience as a business consultant, he shifted gears from his two-decade-long business consulting career to become a full-time stay-at-home dad. This new path spurred him to author “Your Kids, Their Money” a book providing parents with the know-how and strategies to impart financial literacy to their children.

Own Your Career, Own Your Life with Andy Storch
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Own Your Career, Own Your Life with Andy Storch

If you’re feeling frustrated and trapped, there is good news. It’s never too late to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life, and you’re in the perfect place right now to take the first step to where you truly want to go.
Andy Storch, author of Own Your Career Own Your Life, is going to teach us how to stop waiting for something to happen and create a life that excites us!