Simple, Sexy Marriage with Dr. Corey Allan
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Simple, Sexy Marriage with Dr. Corey Allan

Today we have Dr. Corey Allan on the show. He is a marriage and family therapist and the host of the Sexy Marriage Radio podcast which has been going strong for seven years. Dr. Allan outlines most common problems couples bring to his office. In this conversation, we get granular about sex issues along with intimacy and pornography. He tells us what we’re doing wrong when it comes to trying to get more sexual with our spouses and how to talk about it without putting them on the defense. You may be surprised by his advice. Download this episode because you’ll want to listen to it again!

Black Belt Husband with Quentin Hafner
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Black Belt Husband with Quentin Hafner

Today’s guest is Quentin Hafner, author of Black Belt Husband: A Marriage Book for Men. He’s a couples counselor by day and a Brazilian jujitsu practitioner by night. Quentin has developed a methodology to becoming a great husband inspired by the martial arts belt system.

There is no need to feel hopeless when your marriage hits a wall, even if the sex has all but disappeared and you and your spouse at moments hate each other. Quentin Hafner breaks it all down for us in this episode!

How to Optimize The Structure of Work, Family, and Fulfillment with Dave Hollis

How to Optimize The Structure of Work, Family, and Fulfillment with Dave Hollis

We are stoked to have Dave Hollis on The Dad Edge. Dave worked for Disney for 17 years selling movies like Star Wars and The Avengers to theaters, and he recently left his position to help his wife Rachel develop her business. Dave tells us why he quit what most people would consider a dream job and how he and his wife grow their media company while raising four kids. He also talks about their technique called ‘frontloading’ to optimize the structure of work, family, and fulfillment for an incredible life.

Ultimate Guide to Demystifying Women with Robert Kandell
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Ultimate Guide to Demystifying Women with Robert Kandell

Robert Kandell is the host of the Tuff Love podcast and the author of the upcoming book unHIDDEN: A Book for Men & Those Confused by Them. He gives us the ultimate guide to demystifying women and tells us how to connect to ourselves so that our women can have what they want most, which is all of us.

The Infinite Game of Marriage with Cara Miller

The Infinite Game of Marriage with Cara Miller

If we think of marriage as a game, we immediately strategize on how to win our spouses’ hearts like we did the very first time. The problem is that our partners grow and change throughout life and dating them like we did in the past is not going to work anymore. As you will hear on our show today, the game of marriage is infinite. The goal is not to win, but to keep playing.

Cara Miller tells us how.

How to Make Your Wife Fall in Love with You Again and Again with Spencer Burnett
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How to Make Your Wife Fall in Love with You Again and Again with Spencer Burnett

Today we have dating coach and relationship expert Spencer Burnett on the show to talk about how to make your wife fall in love with you again and again. He shares his secrets on pursuing a woman confidently and from a place of service for better communication, intimacy, and attraction.

Married, divorced, and single dads will walk away from this show with a game plan for the relationship they want with the woman they truly desire.