Imposter Syndrome: Defeating Your Inner Bully with Dr. Jamie Hope

Imposter Syndrome: Defeating Your Inner Bully with Dr. Jamie Hope

Today we have Dr. Jaime Hope on the show. She’s an Emergency Medicine Physician, Wellness Expert, Teacher, Speaker, and Author. Jaime tells us how to notice when Impostor Syndrome is creeping up and how we can shut that bully down. Jaime also reveals how to deal with times of stress by connecting the pain with our vision and purpose. Best of all, she gives us examples of how we can “program” our kids to have built-in protection against imposter syndrome.
Get ready to defeat that inner bully once and for all!

Unlocking Your Intrinsic Health with Zach Bush MD
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Unlocking Your Intrinsic Health with Zach Bush MD

Today’s guest is Dr. Zach Bush. His mission is to apply the rigor of science, strength of humanity and the intelligence of nature to transform our health and our world.
Zach explains our body’s close relationship to the Earth and how we can unlock its intrinsic ability to heal. He also talks about why we need to get rid of our to do lists, allow space to happen, and change our identities as men and providers.

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life with Dr. Daniel Amen
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Change Your Brain, Change Your Life with Dr. Daniel Amen

America’s Most Popular Psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Amen, talks about how we can improve the lives of ourselves and our children by making the brain a priority. He tells us how to eat to optimize brain power, how to create a bedtime routine for the best sleep, and how to stop the negative thoughts and behaviors that sabotage our progress in life.
This show will transform the way you think, literally. Prepare to Change Your Brain, Change Your Life!