How Mastermind Can Make You a Better Man and Father

How Mastermind Can Make You a Better Man and Father

A Mastermind group is simply a small group of individuals with similar interests and goals gather together (in person or remotely) to discuss relevant issues and provide advice and support when other group members really need it most. It also allows for a no-judgement zone because each member (well, really, every human) has something they are struggling with.

Take Care of YOU So You Can Serve Others

Take Care of YOU So You Can Serve Others

Take care of yourself. Simple message, you’ve heard it before. You make sure you get that message across to those you love. Unfortunately, there is one person in your life who you love that may not be heeding that message-you. What you may be doing, instead, is sacrificing yourself, thinking you are doing the best you can for your family when, in reality, you are being a martyr and being self-destructive.